What Flavour/Version of Falcon does your Squadron Fly

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What Flavour/Version of Falcon does your Squadron Fly

Postby Nap » Fri Jun 22, 2007 2:34 pm

Hi guys,

In order to enable the competition to take place, obviously there will need to be some sort of agreement on the Falcon platform that will be used. Should we have one platform, or should we allow many platforms (with opposing teams being required to agree on one)?

1) Assuming the flavour and version of the Falcon that your Squadron/Wing flies is not top secret, can you please post that info here.
Please indicate in your post:

Code: Select all

Squadron/Wing:   ????
Flavour:         ????
Version:         xxxx

2) Do you think multiple installs should be allowed, with opposing teams agreeing in advance which install/settings will be used for that match. (Thus there would be no standard for the competition.)

3) Please indicate if you would be willing to install another version for the purpose of the FoF League, if so, what would you prefer.

Code: Select all

Squadron/Wing:            ????
Flavour:                  ????
Version (if required):    xxxx


1* No need to post links to where you can get it from, since some Squadrons have private versions.
3* Please take into consideration technical limitations.

69th_Red Rover
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Postby 69th_Red Rover » Sat Jun 23, 2007 12:48 pm

69th VFW
Version 1.0.12

While some VFWs/squadrons use multiple installs, our wing does not simply to allow for unity/training/participation of all members without the "our version does/has it this way..." discussion. All of our members have the same install, without the need to search for this or that bittorent, or to acquire an original disk (by whatever means). Granted, we have had some patch issues, but we ALL had the SAME issues. This is simply what works for us, I in no way mean to say or suggest it is the only way, it's just our way.

F4AF is the only install we use, and are not willing to consider any others. This is what we train on, this is what we know.


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Postby Cyborg » Tue Jul 03, 2007 6:59 am

Squadron/Wing: 16th ACCW
Flavour: Allied Force
Version: 1.12

No. It would be too complicated and AF is by far the most suitable and stable for large TE's like we would be using.

No. Besides the fact that we only train with AF, it would be far too hard to get a technically "illegal" version to all the members participating.

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Postby Couby » Fri Jul 13, 2007 2:34 am

Squadron/Wing : 235th Wing, composed of 3 squadrons (01.235 Cellules Rapaces flying F-16, 05.235 BladEagles flying F-16, 10.235 Aigles flying Mirage 2000).
Flavour : OpenFalcon
Version : 4.3+

No. I think there should be competition departments dedicated to one simulator (I consider AF and OF as two different simulators...). And for OF squadron/wing competitors a standard should be imposed (based on the coming 4.5 update).

No. This is for me in the same idea we wouldn't compete on Lock-On for exemple. I fully understand units willing to fly only AF as it is their simulator.
This is the same for my wing, even if OF is an F4 based sim... the particularity being that one of the three squadrons is flying Mirage 2000. I couldn't imagine engaging the wing in a comp where there would be only 2 on 3 squadrons able to compete...

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